Project Overview
The topic for the interactive PDF will be intellectual property. For the PDF, MW Law Services want an introductory page that has links to the other pages in the project, and on the last page, they want you to give the reference for the book and any graphics used. MW Law Services would like to have the following pages in the interactive PDF created: Introduction giving a summary of what the training will include (i.e., all of the other topics), Copyright, Trademarks, Patents. References used make sure to list the book as a reference and any graphics used.
June 2018
DeVry University
Creative Fields:
Interactive PDF, Typography
Since this project is solely on me, as the freelance graphic designer, I had to create and design while researching enough content to be placed in this Interactive PDF.
Design Process
I had to follow the same color scheme and layout as the MW Law Services Facebook banner and social media advertisement graphic. I also utilized everything I learned and avoided anything I hated from the previous interactive PDF. For example, I did not like the fact that the last project was too "basic" looking. To remedy the mistakes that I encountered from the other project, I wanted to design an actual training manual look while making sure that the PDF still looked professionally created. I also created custom left and right arrows for the next and previous buttons. Lastly, I implemented a bookmark system on every page of the PDF for easy access.
As for the file itself, I made sure that the InDesign master file included rulers, borders, and text so I can easily access these layers throughout the design. This technique was a life-saver since after doing that, creating the PDF was so much easier because I only needed to modify the text rather than copying and pasting. Lastly, I wanted the critical content to be noticeable, so I decided to create the same abstract background with a different color to ensure that my reader can see them.
I had so much fun designing and creating this course project for my Multimedia Design and Development class, especially this interactive PDF. This design is almost perfect and I would not change, edit, or modify anything.